It's not easy to survive as independent musicians. The money we can ask for a show is not in proportion to the amount of hours we put in to practice, write new songs and get better at playing our instruments. Album sales are going down and music streaming platforms don't pay much. Without people to support us, we would never survive. We are so grateful for the help of so many people who keep music alive - concert organizers and volunteers, music lovers, photographers, fellow musicians. And if you would like to help increase our chances to keep making music, there are so many ways to do so: by following us on social media and on music platforms, giving our album to a friend, putting our music on your playlist, or by joining 'Team Lasses' on Patreon!
For the price of a monthly cup of coffee you can become our patron. As our patron you help us to keep doing what we love. In return, you will receive not only our eternal gratitude, but also regular updates, previews of new songs, and hopefully a few surprises here and there! Take a look at our Patreon page to see how it all works.
Would you like to support us but you don't like the idea of doing it regularly? Of course you can also make a single contribution. Our account number is NL63 ABNA 0867890630 (BIC ABNANL2A). You can also donate with Paypal or Tikkie.